Sunkissed and Glowing: Your Ultimate Guide to Summer Skincare

Sunkissed and Glowing: Your Ultimate Guide to Summer Skincare - Phenixology Bath & Body

Ah, summer! The season of beach parties, BBQs, and the occasional sunburn that makes you resemble a boiled lobster. Caring for your skin in the summer doesn’t have to be a Herculean task, but it does require some attention. Fear not, dear sun worshippers! Here’s a light-hearted guide to summer skincare that will keep you glowing like a sun-kissed mermaid without turning into a shriveled raisin.

1. Sunscreen: Your New Best Friend

First things first, if sunscreen isn’t already your best friend, it’s time to make it one. Think of it as the shield to your knightly skin armor. Think of it as the Gandalf of skincare: "You shall not pass!" to harmful UV rays. Slather it on like icing on a cake, thick and even. And don't forget those often-missed spots like your ears and the back of your neck. And don’t forget your moisturizer! Opt for a lightweight, non-comedogenic formula that won’t clog your pores but will keep your skin feeling soft and supple. Slather it on generously—don’t be stingy! SPF 30 or higher is your go-to; anything less is like bringing a water gun to a dragon fight. Reapply every two hours, or after swimming, sweating, or an intense game of beach volleyball.

2. Hydrate Like It’s Your Job

Drinking water in the summer is like giving your skin a refreshing spa day. Aim for at least 8 glasses a day, which also helps you avoid looking like a dried prune. Our skin needs moisture to stay plump and happy. Picture your skin as a plant: neglect it and it wilts, but give it a little love and it blooms. Bonus points if you carry around a trendy water bottle that makes you look like you have your life together.1

3. Moisturize, Even if You’re Sweating Buckets

Yes, it’s hot, and yes, you’re sweating just sitting there, but that’s no excuse to skip the moisturizer. Opt for a lightweight, non-comedogenic formula that won’t clog your pores but will keep your skin feeling soft and supple.  Pro tip: Keep it in the fridge for an extra cool blast of refreshment! And let’s not forget those luscious lips! They need protection too. Choose a lip balm with SPF and keep it handy. A pop of hydrating lip tint can also add a fun splash of color while keeping your lips protected.

4. Shade is Your Friend

While basking in the sun may feel like an excellent idea, your skin might think otherwise. Seek out the shade whenever possible. Umbrellas, wide-brimmed hats, and those oversized sunglasses that make you look like a celebrity in hiding are all fabulous options.

5. Exfoliation: The Secret Weapon

Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells and reveal the radiant you underneath. Just don't go overboard; you’re aiming for “sun-kissed glow,” not “scrubbed with sandpaper.”

6. Aloe Vera: The After-Sun Savior

Despite your best efforts, sometimes the sun wins. When that happens, aloe vera is your post-sunburn savior. Keep a bottle in the fridge and apply generously to any areas that got a bit too much love from the sun. It’s soothing, cooling, and will help you avoid looking like a lobster for too long.

7. Resting: Sleeping Beauty

Finally, remember that beauty sleep isn’t just a myth. Long summer days can be exhausting, so make sure you’re getting enough rest to help your skin repair and regenerate. Consider using a silk pillowcase to reduce friction and keep your skin smooth and crease-free, as a bonus it also protects your hair.

So there you have it, folks! With these tips, you’re well on your way to having a fabulous summer without sacrificing your skin’s well-being. Now go forth and enjoy the sunshine responsibly—and don’t forget your sunscreen!

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